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Greyhound Profile - PORTLAND JESSIE

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
09 Aug 2022 New Zealand BE Bitch Bernardo Portland Dream Tracey & Lisa Craik (Drury) Drury Sparkle and Fade Syndicate
Distinguishing Features: S WT CB
Current Gear: No gear

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
21 Jul 2024 C5 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 24 10 7 4 41.7% 45.8% $27,315.00
Sprint 11 8 2 1 72.7% 27.3% $14,410.00
Middle 13 2 5 3 15.4% 61.5% $12,905.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 3 3 1 6 4 4 2 1
Wins 2 0 1 3 3 1 0 0
Places 1 2 0 3 1 3 0 1

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
21 Jul 24 AK 4= of 7 C5 527m 7 22334 28.0 $6.80 Blazin' Master 2L1qL1qL 30.40 30.38 $175.00
18 Jul 24 CAM 1 of 8 C5 375m 6 321 27.4 $5.30 Space Conspiracy HL3L 21.31 21.01 $2,400.00
07 Jul 24 AK 2 of 5 C4/5 527m 4 11112 27.3 $3.60 Opawa Tails N1tL1hL 30.98 30.74 $1,380.00
30 Jun 24 AK 3 of 7 C4/5 527m 8 11233 27.3 $4.10 Opawa Turn N3qL1qL 30.47 30.47 $820.00
02 Jun 24 AK 5 of 8 C5 527m 7 34565 27.5 $14.40 He's All Go 6hL2hLL 30.13 30.13 $50.00
26 May 24 AK 6 of 8 C4/5 527m 2 11266 27.8 $6.50 Opawa Tails tL2hLhL 30.69 30.57 $50.00
19 May 24 AK 2 of 8 C4/5 527m 6 22222 27.6 $4.50 Federal Infrared hL2LhL 30.67 30.45 $1,380.00
12 May 24 AK 1 of 5 C4/5 527m 4 21111 27.8 $1.60 Hunter Jill 3qL2qLtL 30.53 30.53 $3,300.00
02 May 24 CAM 2 of 8 C3/4 375m 4 222 28.2 $1.80 Portland Ding Us 1hL2L3hL 21.04 21.02 $710.00
28 Apr 24 CAM 1 of 7 C4 375m 3 621 27.8 $1.40 Wide Boy 4hL1hLH 21.19 21.04 $1,710.00
25 Apr 24 CAM 2 of 7 C4 375m 6 112 27.7 $1.80 Portland Mark LtL2L 21.1 21.1 $710.00
18 Apr 24 CAM 1 of 8 C3 375m 4 111 27.7 $1.70 Portland Ding Us 4hL2hL4tL 20.96 20.96 $1,530.00
14 Apr 24 CAM 1 of 7 C2/3 375m 4 111 27.8 $2.80 Portland Ding Us 6hLH1tL 20.93 20.93 $1,530.00
11 Apr 24 CAM 3 of 8 C2/3 457m 6 333 27.8 $4.20 Goldstar Jasper tL2qL1qL 25.70 25.70 $610.00
04 Apr 24 CAM 3 of 7 C1/2 457m 4 113 27.8 $2.20 Goldstar Jasper nH4hL 25.83 25.56 $550.00
30 Mar 24 CAM 1 of 8 C2 375m 5 211 27.6 $1.30 Big Time Lotus 7qLHn 21.27 21.10 $1,410.00
24 Mar 24 CAM 1 of 8 C1 375m 5 211 27.8 $2.10 Dynamic Kiwi 7hL1qL4qL 21.22 20.85 $1,380.00
21 Mar 24 CAM 1 of 7 C1 375m 5 111 27.6 $1.40 Gold Card 10hLN4qL 21.21 21.21 $1,380.00
17 Mar 24 AK 2 of 8 C1 527m 5 43322 27.6 $2.10 Quetzal Bale 5L4qLhL 30.79 30.64 $850.00
10 Mar 24 AK 2 of 8 C1 527m 2 11112 27.9 $2.60 Portland Pippa n3hL2qL 30.77 30.77 $850.00
03 Mar 24 AK 2 of 8 C1 527m 2 11112 28.0 $6.60 Portland Pippa H5qL2qL 31.00 30.74 $850.00
18 Feb 24 AK 1 of 4 C1 527m 1 11221 28.2 $1.40 Idol Hit 1hL1tLL 31.17 30.62 $2,040.00
08 Feb 24 CAM 3 of 6 C0 375m 1 223 28.5 $2.90 Portland Mark H1qL3hL 21.67 21.09 $330.00
04 Feb 24 AK 1 of 7 C0 318m 1 421 28.5 $2.80 Portland Mark 2LHtL 19.00 18.53 $1,320.00
21 Jan 24 AK 2 of 4 Trial 318m 28.6 Portland Ding Us 1qL2hL9hL 18.61