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Greyhound Profile - SPACE CONSPIRACY

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
19 Feb 2022 New Zealand BK Bitch Zambora Brockie All About Space Lisa Cole (Palmerston North) Palmerston North Conspiracy Theory Syndicate
Distinguishing Features: WT CB WCL WCH
Current Gear: No gear

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
25 Jul 2024 C5 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 18 9 3 1 50.0% 22.2% $17,160.00
Sprint 15 8 3 1 53.3% 26.7% $14,740.00
Middle 3 1 0 0 33.3% 0.0% $2,420.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 2 7 0 6 1 0 0 2
Wins 1 4 0 3 0 0 0 1
Places 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
25 Jul 24 CAM 4 of 8 C4/5 375m 4 114 24.5 $2.40 Old School nHN 21.15 21.15 $200.00
18 Jul 24 CAM 2 of 8 C5 375m 2 112 24.5 $4.00 Portland Jessie HL3L 21.31 21.01 $1,000.00
12 Jul 24 WAN 1 of 8 C4 305m 2 111 23.9 $1.70 Goldstar Dynasty 1qLtLhL 17.55 17.51 $1,710.00
09 Jul 24 MANA 1 of 7 C4 375m 2 111 24.5 $2.10 Claws In Sparky 3hL2qLN 20.97 20.97 $1,710.00
04 Jul 24 CAM 4 of 6 C4 375m 2 214 24.2 $3.20 Portland Mark 1qL1hLhL 21.29 21.07 $150.00
28 Jun 24 WAN 2 of 8 C3 305m 5 322 24.0 $1.50 Uber Time 3L4Ln 17.60 17.60 $640.00
25 Jun 24 MANA 1 of 8 C3 375m 4 111 24.1 $2.10 Goldstar Toby 3tL1qL2hL 21.18 21.08 $1,530.00
03 May 24 WAN 7 of 8 C3 305m 4 577 23.8 $3.40 Big Time Moony 1qLtLDH 17.75 17.38
23 Apr 24 MANA 3 of 6 C2/3 375m 4 113 23.9 $2.10 Smoking Ivan 2hLLtL 21.33 21.20 $380.00
21 Apr 24 CAM 2 of 7 C3 375m 1 112 23.6 $1.50 Go Jill 3LNhL 21.32 21.32 $640.00
11 Apr 24 CAM 4 of 8 C2/3 457m 2 114 23.9 $2.00 Goldstar Jasper tL2qL1qL 25.70 25.70 $200.00
02 Apr 24 MANA 7 of 8 C2/3 457m 8 257 23.9 $2.80 Big Time Nando 5hLhL6L 25.61 25.59
27 Mar 24 CAM 1 of 7 C2 457m 4 111 24.2 $1.40 Idol Tayla tL2L1tL 25.91 25.56 $2,220.00
19 Mar 24 MANA 1 of 8 C1 375m 2 111 24.5 Big Time Turner 7L2LL 21.06 20.97 $1,380.00
15 Mar 24 WAN 1 of 7 C1 305m 4 111 24.4 $1.00 Torque In Torque 8qL2qL2L 17.52 17.36 $1,380.00
08 Mar 24 WAN 1 of 6 C1 305m 2 111 24.5 $1.20 Dawn Light 8L1hL1hL 17.45 17.38 $1,380.00
01 Mar 24 WAN 1 of 7 C0 305m 1 111 24.5 $1.10 Hot Truffle 14hL1qLhL 17.52 17.52 $1,320.00
27 Feb 24 MANA 1 of 8 C0 410m 8 111 24.8 $1.90 Big Time Turner 4hL3tL1hL 23.66 23.28 $1,320.00
20 Feb 24 MAN 5 of 5 Trial 457m 25.4 Time To Race tLqL2tL1hL 26.41
30 Jan 24 MAN 5 of 5 Trial 457m 25.4 Big Time Alex 1qL1tL2tL8hL 25.96