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Greyhound Profile - IMPRESSIVE ENZO

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
21 Jun 2022 New Zealand WBK Dog Monster Fish Sozin's Symphony Jonathan McInerney (Darfield) Darfield Jonathan McInerney
Distinguishing Features: 
Current Gear: Racing - Strapping LH/RH

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
25 Jul 2024 C1 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 32 1 5 8 3.1% 40.6% $8,470.00
Sprint 22 1 4 6 4.5% 45.5% $6,110.00
Middle 10 0 1 2 0.0% 30.0% $2,360.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 0 8 7 5 5 4 2 1
Wins 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Places 0 4 4 1 1 2 0 1

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
25 Jul 24 ASCP 6 of 8 C1 390m 4 866 34.4 $7.90 Homebush Joey 6qL4qL2L 22.28 22.28 $50.00
22 Jul 24 ASCP 3 of 8 C1 457m 3 433 34.0 $18.60 Therapy Tex 3qL8hL1qL 26.22 25.91 $510.00
18 Jul 24 ASCP 3 of 8 C1 390m 6 663 34.0 $33.90 Sun Strike 7tL1qL1qL 22.37 22.22 $340.00
08 Jul 24 ASCP 2 of 8 C1 457m 8 312 33.3 $67.00 Priority hL1L1tL 26.56 26.01 $850.00
27 Jun 24 ASCP 5 of 8 C1 390m 7 585 33.6 $14.70 Tea Pot 1hLhL1L 23.14 22.48 $50.00
19 Jun 24 ASCP 5 of 8 C1 457m 2 455 33.5 $42.30 Homebush Onyx 1qL2qLtL 26.35 25.83 $50.00
17 Jun 24 ADD 5 of 8 C1 295m 4 455 33.3 $13.40 Replica Rosco 2hL1qL2tL 17.62 17.16 $50.00
12 Jun 24 ASCP 6 of 8 C1 457m 2 776 33.2 $34.10 Goldstar Duffy 2hL5qLhL 26.01 25.74 $50.00
05 Jun 24 ASCP 4 of 7 C1 457m 5 544 33.0 $2.30 Homebush Esther 4LtLhL 26.59 25.81 $200.00
31 May 24 ADD 3 of 8 C0 295m 6 333 33.5 $4.50 Homebush Dominic ntL2L 17.58 17.10 $330.00
29 May 24 ASCP 1 of 7 C0 390m 5 421 33.1 $10.80 Runaway Me 3L2LhL 23.18 22.41 $1,320.00
24 May 24 ADD 5 of 8 C0q 295m 6 755 32.6 $9.60 Zanab Bale 6hLHhL 17.35 17.17 $50.00
22 May 24 ASCP 6 of 8 C0 390m 5 576 32.9 $6.40 Side Eye 2qLhL1L 22.73 22.32 $50.00
15 May 24 ASCP 3 of 7 C0 390m 4 733 33.0 $7.10 King Kobori nN3tL 22.94 22.25 $330.00
08 May 24 ASCP 4 of 6 C0 457m 3 344 32.9 $8.20 Cooling My Jets 6tL3tL1tL 26.29 26.11 $150.00
03 May 24 ADD 6 of 8 C0 295m 4 766 33.2 $2.20 Yatri Bale 6qL2LH 17.46 17.40 $50.00
01 May 24 ASCP 2 of 8 C0 390m 2 352 32.7 $7.40 Pukeko Dot HhH 23.01 22.54 $550.00
26 Apr 24 ADD 5 of 8 C0q 295m 4 765 32.8 $4.30 Gotcha Slim 4qL3tLH 17.57 17.19 $50.00
24 Apr 24 ASCP 4 of 8 C0 390m 3 544 32.4 $3.70 Going Concern hL1L1L 22.71 22.07 $100.00
19 Apr 24 ADD 2 of 8 C0 295m 5 632 32.3 $3.00 Tell Ivy 3L1qL1hL 17.55 17.15 $550.00
17 Apr 24 ASCP 3 of 6 C0 457m 3 423 31.6 $15.10 What's On 2hLhL1L 26.39 25.68 $400.00
05 Apr 24 ADD 7 of 8 C0q 520m 6 45557 32.2 $41.30 Diamond Emma 2qLtL5qL 30.57 29.72
02 Apr 24 ASCP 3 of 7 C0 390m 3 343 31.9 $3.60 Diamond Emma 5hL2LtL 22.71 22.28 $330.00
22 Mar 24 ADD 5 of 8 C0f 295m 5 675 32.5 $15.00 Zippy Ziggy 4qLhL2tL 17.34 17.12 $50.00
20 Mar 24 ASCP 2 of 8 C0 390m 3 732 32.1 $4.30 Mayfield Minx tLNH 23.37 22.20 $550.00
15 Mar 24 ADD 2 of 8 C0q 295m 2 222 32.4 $12.60 Know Daisy hLHhH 17.67 17.13 $550.00
13 Mar 24 ASCP 5 of 7 C0 390m 2 445 31.9 $2.10 Love Me Too 1qL1hL1qL 23.49 22.36 $50.00
08 Mar 24 ADD 6 of 7 C0f 295m 2 466 32.4 $25.20 Homebush Fox HhHH 17.47 17.07 $50.00
04 Mar 24 ASCP 4 of 6 C0 457m 3 534 31.9 $6.50 Whitney Baxter 3qL4hLtL 26.56 26.36 $150.00
01 Mar 24 ADD 3 of 8 C0q 295m 2 333 31.9 $6.10 Opawa Fred 3qL1tL1L 17.30 17.00 $330.00
23 Feb 24 ADD 3 of 8 C0 295m 2 633 31.8 $5.10 Lovers Meeting 3tLtL2hL 17.69 17.18 $330.00
21 Feb 24 ASCP 7 of 7 C0 457m 7 367 31.6 $12.10 Diamond Roman 4LtL1qL 26.71 26.05
14 Feb 24 ASC 2 of 4 Trial 390m 31.4 Side Eye 1tL6tLhL 23.12