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Greyhound Profile - PUKEKO DOT

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
19 Mar 2022 New Zealand WBK Bitch Hasten Slowly Magic Jean Lass B R Healey (Oamaru) Oamaru B R Healey
Distinguishing Features: WT WCL WCH
Current Gear: No gear

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
25 Jul 2024 C1 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 25 2 4 5 8.0% 36.0% $7,010.00
Sprint 25 2 4 5 8.0% 36.0% $7,010.00
Middle 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 2 0 1 4 4 7 7 0
Wins 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
Places 1 0 1 1 2 1 3 0

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
25 Jul 24 ASCP 5 of 8 C1 390m 6 665 25.6 $3.80 Kaitoa 7qL1qL2qL 22.58 22.28 $50.00
04 Jul 24 ASCP 6 of 8 C1 390m 6 446 26.0 $8.50 Homebush Elle 2hL5LN 22.42 22.42 $50.00
01 Jul 24 ASCP 2 of 8 C1 390m 5 222 25.9 $4.80 Homebush Elle 5qL2qL1qL 22.63 22.50 $580.00
12 Jun 24 ASCP 2 of 7 C1 390m 5 112 25.6 $3.90 Goldstar Graelin 1hL1hL1tL 22.87 22.41 $580.00
05 Jun 24 ASCP 1 of 8 C1 390m 6 111 25.2 $16.80 Miss Maudie NhLhL 22.82 22.10 $1,380.00
29 May 24 ASCP 5 of 8 C1 390m 4 215 25.1 $16.00 Homebush Dove 1qL1tLtL 23.11 22.41 $50.00
08 May 24 ASCP 5 of 8 C1 390m 4 335 25.3 $21.60 Hurricane Demi 1LtLhL 23.13 22.53 $50.00
01 May 24 ASCP 1 of 8 C0 390m 5 111 25.4 $4.80 Impressive Enzo HhH 23.01 22.54 $1,320.00
24 Apr 24 ASCP 3 of 8 C0 390m 7 113 25.4 $8.40 Going Concern hL1L1L 22.71 22.07 $330.00
19 Apr 24 ADD 7 of 8 C0 295m 6 277 25.4 $19.20 Hilton Pink One 1L6tLH 17.53 17.15
12 Apr 24 ADD 7 of 8 C0q 295m 6 577 25.3 $18.50 Impressive Roar 10LtLDH 17.39 17.39
10 Apr 24 ASCP 3 of 8 C0 390m 3 123 25.1 $5.40 Golden Strike 1qL1L2hL 22.94 22.26 $330.00
02 Apr 24 ASCP 4 of 7 C0 390m 6 434 24.8 $6.30 Diamond Emma 5hL2LtL 22.71 22.28 $100.00
20 Mar 24 ASCP 3 of 8 C0 390m 6 153 24.7 $6.50 Mayfield Minx tLNH 23.37 22.20 $330.00
13 Mar 24 ASCP 2 of 7 C0 390m 7 222 24.6 $6.60 Love Me Too 1qL1hL1qL 23.49 22.36 $550.00
04 Mar 24 ASCP 2 of 8 C0 390m 7 142 25.0 $22.20 Homebush Elle 5qLNN 23.00 22.37 $550.00
07 Feb 24 ASCP 7 of 7 C0 390m 7 257 24.6 $15.10 Alpha Rowdy 5Ln1qL 23.31 22.49
22 Jan 24 ASCP 4 of 6 C0 390m 7 124 24.8 $5.50 Epic Stag 1qL2qLhL 23.46 22.22 $100.00
05 Jan 24 ADD 7 of 8 C0q 295m 5 257 25.0 $21.10 Epic Whetu 7tLN1L 17.59 17.59
29 Dec 23 ADD 8 of 8 C0 295m 4 288 25.0 $6.90 Sangria Affair 1qL3hL2L 17.61 17.32
11 Dec 23 ASCP 3 of 6 C0 390m 4 133 25.0 $18.40 Opawa Jocelyn 3tL5LN 22.91 22.23 $330.00
15 Nov 23 ASCP 3 of 7 C0 390m 1 223 25.2 $27.00 Zara Jem 10hLHtL 22.82 22.39 $330.00
01 Nov 23 ASCP 7 of 7 C0 390m 1 177 25.4 $14.20 Impressive Luck H3hLN 23.39 22.27
10 Oct 23 ASCP 7 of 8 C0 390m 7 787 25.7 $20.70 Poppy Jem 9tL1qL1qL 22.59 22.59
04 Oct 23 ASCP 7 of 8 C0 390m 7 577 25.8 $6.80 Master Leo tL2hL3L 22.98 22.56
27 Sep 23 ASC 2 of 5 Trial 390m 25.8 May Baxter 1hL6tL2L 23.68
20 Sep 23 ASC 3 of 6 Trial 390m 26.0 Kylie Baxter 3tL2qL3hL 23.56