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Greyhound Profile - BIG TIME RAMONA

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
10 Sep 2021 Australia BK Bitch Barcia Bale Dutch Audrey ()
Distinguishing Features: 
Current Gear: No gear

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
26 Apr 2024 C2 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 29 3 5 5 10.3% 34.5% $10,610.00
Sprint 20 2 5 3 10.0% 40.0% $7,020.00
Middle 9 1 0 2 11.1% 22.2% $3,590.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 2 7 3 5 3 2 5 2
Wins 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
Places 0 3 1 3 0 1 2 0

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
23 Apr 24 MANA 8 of 8 C2 375m 4 558 28.4 $7.30 Adobe Underworld LLN 21.49 21.20
19 Apr 24 WAN 2 of 8 C1/2 305m 4 222 28.5 $8.20 Big Time Ivana 3L2qLL 17.67 17.55 $590.00
16 Apr 24 MANA 2 of 6 C2/3 375m 4 222 28.7 $19.80 Big Time Grande 2tLNhL 21.30 21.28 $640.00
05 Apr 24 WAN 8 of 8 C1/2 305m 6 588 29.3 $15.90 Big Time Battle L1tLn 17.79 17.407
02 Apr 24 MANA 3 of 7 C2 375m 3 653 29.5 $10.30 Big Time Butler 1hL2hLN 21.48 21.27 $350.00
22 Mar 24 WAN 8 of 8 C2 305m 5 578 29.0 $11.70 Big Time Grande 3qL3L1qL 17.56 17.54
19 Mar 24 MANA 3 of 8 C2 375m 4 333 29.4 $25.40 Cumbria 1hL2qL2L 21.49 20.97 $350.00
15 Mar 24 WAN 6 of 8 C2 305m 7 326 29.0 $15.90 Bow Bell Del hL1hLhL 17.86 17.36 $50.00
05 Mar 24 MANA 1 of 8 C1 375m 2 111 29.2 $3.90 Thrilling Volt 2qL1qL1qL 21.60 21.18 $1,380.00
12 Dec 23 MANA 4 of 8 C1/2 375m 2 444 29.0 $3.20 Big Time Polo tLn1qL 21.58 21.14 $150.00
05 Dec 23 MANA 2= of 7 C1 410m 2 122 29.3 $8.00 Warm Heart 1Ln 23.68 23.68 $460.00
28 Nov 23 MANA 6 of 7 C1 410m 1 336 29.5 $4.10 Bear O'Clock 2L2LtL 23.59 23.59 $50.00
21 Nov 23 MANA 3 of 8 C1 410m 2 843 29.2 $5.20 Sweet Hummer hL1qL1qL 23.55 23.55 $340.00
17 Nov 23 WAN 7 of 8 C1 305m 3 377 28.2 $1.80 Big Time Waffle 2hL4hLN 17.92 17.58
10 Nov 23 WAN 4 of 8 C1 305m 2 444 29.0 $2.00 Idol Lorenzo 2LnN 17.88 17.60 $100.00
06 Nov 23 MANA 2 of 7 C1 410m 2 112 28.7 $5.40 Hot Milo 2hLtLhL 23.68 23.68 $580.00
31 Oct 23 MANA V of 8 C1 410m 3 28.5 $3.00
20 Oct 23 WAN 1 of 8 C1 305m 7 321 28.6 $2.70 Nighthawk Swift 1qL1qL3qL 18.03 17.39 $1,380.00
13 Oct 23 WAN 7 of 8 C1 520m 5 13377 28.9 $37.50 Big Time Doncic 6qL1qL1qL 30.38 29.83
02 Oct 23 MANA 7 of 7 C1 457m 2 147 29.4 $19.80 Thrilling Dodge 1qLhL2qL 26.51 25.64
22 Sep 23 WAN 8 of 8 C1 520m 8 26678 29.0 $7.10 Big Time Urban N2L3qL 30.45 29.93
19 Sep 23 MANA 7 of 8 C1 457m 5 547 28.9 $14.70 Big Time Hank hL6L2qL 26.10 25.68
12 Sep 23 MANA 4 of 5 C1 457m 8 224 29.1 $4.50 Big Time Treat tLhHtL 26.23 25.79 $200.00
05 Sep 23 MANA 3 of 6 C0 457m 7 123 28.7 $4.20 Big Time Hank 3tLN1qL 25.99 25.73 $400.00
01 Sep 23 WAN 1 of 6 C0 520m 4 11111 29.0 $6.40 Amelia Ate It N1tL1tL 30.93 30.08 $2,590.00
25 Aug 23 WAN 3 of 7 C0 520m 6 34453 28.7 $18.80 Big Time Urban 5tL5hLN 30.57 30.25 $400.00
22 Aug 23 MANA 8 of 8 C0 457m 1 468 28.3 $7.60 Big Time Nando H2L1L 26.50 26.21
15 Aug 23 MANA 2 of 7 C0 375m 7 222 28.9 $5.50 Big Time Silky 5L2qL2tL 21.28 20.92 $550.00
11 Aug 23 WAN 5 of 8 C0 305m 7 455 28.9 $5.40 Big Time Silky 6tL2L2L 17.77 17.48 $50.00
04 Aug 23 WAN 3 of 4 Trial 305m 28.9 Big Time Vitara 2qL3tL1tL 17.78