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Greyhound Profile - WAERENGA JOSAY

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
19 Apr 2022 New Zealand BK Bitch Fabregas Waerenga Star J Udy & D Cottam (Te Kauwhata) Te Kauwhata J Udy & D Cottam
Distinguishing Features: WT WCL
Current Gear: No gear

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
24 Jul 2024 C4 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 25 7 6 2 28.0% 32.0% $14,170.00
Sprint 25 7 6 2 28.0% 32.0% $14,170.00
Middle 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 1 4 8 4 4 3 1 0
Wins 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 0
Places 0 2 2 2 0 1 1 0

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
24 Jul 24 WNS 5 of 8 C4 313m 4 27.4 $8.00 Big Time Hank 2L2hLH 17.47 17.46 $50.00
17 Jul 24 WNS 2 of 6 C2/3 313m 7 27.9 $1.90 Urey Bale 1hL1hL1qL 17.47 17.29 $640.00
14 Jul 24 AK 1 of 7 C3 318m 5 211 28.1 $3.10 Dark Smoke hL1hLhL 18.71 18.42 $1,530.00
07 Jul 24 AK 2= of 8 C3 318m 3 112 28.2 $3.50 Dapper Jabber hLn 18.93 18.51 $510.00
30 Jun 24 AK 1 of 8 C1/2 318m 2 311 28.5 $4.50 Youtan Poluo 3qL1qLL 18.76 18.39 $1,410.00
26 Jun 24 WNS 1 of 5 SPECA 313m 6 28.1 N/T Pixie Scooter 4LtLL 17.66 17.38 $720.00
23 Jun 24 AK 2 of 7 C1/2 318m 3 322 28.5 $3.10 Dapper Jabber hLhL2tL 18.78 18.39 $590.00
16 Jun 24 AK 8 of 8 C3 318m 3 688 28.3 $5.30 Wide Boy 3hLtLn 18.40 18.23
09 Jun 24 AK 8 of 8 C3f 318m 3 878 27.8 $7.60 Big Time Chipper 5LhL1L 18.32 18.32 $100.00
02 Jun 24 AK 4 of 7 C3 318m 5 214 28.1 $3.80 Purple Heart tL1qLn 18.70 18.48 $150.00
26 May 24 AK 2 of 7 C3q 318m 6 112 28.1 $3.70 Opawa Ryan hL1qLN 18.77 18.43 $640.00
19 May 24 AK 2 of 8 C3 318m 4 112 27.5 $7.10 Dark Smoke HhLn 18.58 18.31 $640.00
17 Mar 24 AK 2= of 8 C3 318m 4 222 27.2 $6.90 Dapper Jabber 1hLDH 18.75 18.30 $510.00
10 Mar 24 AK 1 of 8 C2 318m 3 111 27.8 $4.00 Big Time Harmony 2hLhL2tL 18.75 18.49 $1,410.00
03 Mar 24 AK 6 of 7 C2 318m 1 466 28.2 $3.10 Bumrah's Ganguly hL1tLH 18.93 18.67 $50.00
29 Feb 24 CAM 3 of 8 C2 375m 2 113 27.9 $7.60 Rockdale Flora 1hL2qL1tL 21.45 21.12 $350.00
25 Feb 24 CAM 4 of 8 C1/2 375m 2 324 27.9 $7.10 Go Finesse L2L1hL 21.44 21.13 $150.00
18 Feb 24 AK 1 of 8 C1 318m 3 211 27.5 $3.70 Side Eye Sally LhLn 18.85 18.48 $1,380.00
15 Feb 24 CAM 6 of 8 C1/2 375m 3 236 27.7 $5.60 Boot Camp Tiara n2Ln 21.57 21.13 $50.00
11 Feb 24 AK 3 of 6 C1 318m 2 133 27.6 $2.00 Pooran's Kohli tLL3hL 18.98 18.48 $340.00
18 Jan 24 AK 5 of 8 C1 318m 3 245 27.5 $2.40 My Idol hHn1hL 18.95 18.45 $50.00
14 Jan 24 AK 4 of 8 C1 318m 4 654 27.6 $2.20 Tilly Wormwood 1hL3qL1tL 18.69 18.21 $100.00
11 Jan 24 CAM 4 of 7 C1 375m 5 214 27.7 $6.30 Omaticaya H1tLL 21.62 21.12 $100.00
07 Jan 24 AK 1 of 8 C1 318m 5 111 27.9 $4.00 Idol Hit N2hLn 18.84 18.41 $1,380.00
31 Dec 23 AK 1 of 8 C0 318m 6 221 27.8 $4.60 Speedy Pete HtL1hL 19.05 18.40 $1,320.00
24 Dec 23 AK 1 of 4 Trial 318m 27.4 Dynamic Kiwi hH2qL1hL 19.04