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Greyhound Profile - TATE

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
16 Oct 2021 Australia WBK Bitch Fernando Bale Eva Diva ()
Distinguishing Features: 
Current Gear: No gear

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
03 Dec 2023 C2 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 16 3 3 2 18.8% 31.3% $6,610.00
Sprint 15 3 3 2 20.0% 33.3% $6,610.00
Middle 1 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
AU Stakes $790.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 3 1 1 0 0 3 3 5
Wins 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Places 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
19 May 24 AK 1 of 1 Trial 318m 25.7 18.56
03 Dec 23 AK 4 of 8 C2 318m 7 444 25.7 $2.20 Hurricane Bob tL4qLqL 18.75 18.45 $150.00
19 Nov 23 AK 1 of 8 C1 318m 8 311 26.1 $1.90 Supreme Ruler 3tLtL1hL 18.75 18.41 $1,380.00
05 Nov 23 AK 1 of 8 C1 318m 8 531 25.7 $4.10 Hallow Night N1tLn 18.89 18.40 $1,380.00
15 Oct 23 AK 6 of 8 C1 318m 7 576 25.5 $3.10 Purple Heart 7tL1LN 18.59 18.42 $50.00
08 Oct 23 AK 3 of 8 C1 318m 8 333 25.4 $1.30 Dark Smoke 1tLN3hL 18.82 18.57 $340.00
01 Oct 23 AK 1 of 6 C0 318m 7 111 25.7 $2.10 Cat Napping Nana 5L2hL3tL 18.75 18.53 $1,320.00
25 Sep 23 AK 2 of 8 C0 318m 6 342 25.6 $5.80 Side Eye Sally 3hL1LN 19.03 18.48 $550.00
17 Sep 23 AK 2 of 8 C0 318m 6 432 25.7 $5.10 Baby Bop qLhL2tL 19.12 18.33 $550.00
10 Sep 23 AK 6 of 8 C0 318m 8 566 25.5 $3.70 Cat Napping Nana/Hallow Night DH2qL 18.83 18.47 $50.00
20 Aug 23 AK 5 of 7 C0 318m 1 665 25.8 $3.20 Lake Ohia 8qL1qLhL 18.74 18.74 $50.00
27 Jul 23 AK 1 of 1 Trial 318m 25.3 19.02
21 Apr 23 GOUL 5 of 7 OS 440m 1 5 24.5 $9.00 GLASTONBURY 13.5 26.18 24.68
14 Apr 23 GOUL 4 of 7 OS 440m 2 4 24.6 $6.50 GRANDER MAKAIRA 7.5 25.55 24.52 $100.00
29 Mar 23 WPK 8 of 8 OS 520m 1 278 24.2 $26.00 KIMBA NEO 17.25 31.46 29.55
20 Mar 23 NOW 4 of 7 OS 365m 3 34 24.3 ASHBY LISA 13.75 21.81 20.59 $100.00
16 Mar 23 DAP 2 of 7 OS 297m 8 22 24.1 $5.20 BLUE ALLEY 1.5 17.39 17.05 $340.00
09 Mar 23 DAP 3 of 7 OS 297m 6 43 24.4 $8.40 JUST FORGOT 2.5 17.42 16.82 $250.00