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Greyhound Profile - CHILLY PEPPER

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
17 Feb 2022 New Zealand W Bitch Hooked On Scotch Oakmont AL Hart & DJ Voyce (Dunsandel) Dunsandel J Arthur
Distinguishing Features: 1/2 DE Black Spots
Current Gear: No gear

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
11 Jul 2024 C4 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 20 7 2 2 35.0% 20.0% $18,000.00
Sprint 3 1 0 1 33.3% 33.3% $2,010.00
Middle 17 6 2 1 35.3% 17.6% $15,990.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 1 1 3 3 4 3 3 2
Wins 1 0 1 0 3 1 1 0
Places 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
19 Jun 24 ASCP 1 of 8 C2/3 390m 6 611 26.0 $3.50 Homebush Lass 1qL1L3hL 22.40 22.26 $1,530.00
29 May 24 ASCP 6 of 8 C3/4 457m 8 446 26.0 $11.30 Daddy Longlegs HhL1hL 26.07 25.95 $50.00
22 May 24 ASCP 4 of 8 C4 390m 7 534 26.0 $4.70 Diamond Vaper hLhL1hL 22.36 22.32 $150.00
15 May 24 ASCP 7 of 8 C3/4 457m 4 687 26.1 $18.50 Mitcham Felix n4hL1tL 26.03 25.59
08 May 24 ASCP 1 of 7 C3 457m 3 211 26.0 $4.20 Rohan Bale 4LhLH 26.11 26.11 $2,460.00
02 May 24 ADD 8 of 8 R/Aq 520m 8 58888 25.7 $24.00 Opawa Katrina tL2qLN 30.27 29.93
18 Apr 24 ADD 5 of 8 C3 520m 2 43345 26.3 $35.90 Gold Doug H6L3hL 30.13 30.13 $50.00
05 Apr 24 ADD 8 of 8 C2 520m 4 24558 26.5 $11.20 Brave Ruler 7L2tLH 29.72 29.72
02 Apr 24 ASCP 1 of 8 C2 457m 5 111 26.5 $1.80 Apollo Bale N2L1qL 26.12 25.57 $2,220.00
25 Mar 24 ADD 1 of 8 C1 520m 1 11111 26.2 $1.80 Know Dispute 1tL2qL1tL 30.35 29.90 $2,040.00
20 Mar 24 ASCP 1 of 8 C1 457m 5 111 26.6 $1.30 Marty Baxter 3qLhHn 26.20 25.74 $2,040.00
11 Mar 24 ADD 4 of 8 C1f 520m 3 11134 26.1 $7.60 Goldstar Nova 2L1qL3L 30.07 30.07 $200.00
04 Mar 24 ADD 2 of 8 C1q 520m 3 11122 26.1 $4.40 Goldstar Spencer hLtLH 30.69 30.01 $850.00
28 Feb 24 ASCP 2 of 8 C1 457m 4 112 26.4 $2.00 Adobe Peach 1qL4hLH 26.22 25.85 $850.00
19 Feb 24 ADD 1 of 1 Trial 295m 25.8 17.27
11 Dec 23 ASCP 1 of 8 C1q 457m 5 111 26.1 $11.90 Goldstar Nova tLhH1qL 26.26 26.05 $2,040.00
04 Dec 23 ADD 4 of 8 C1q 520m 6 22234 25.6 $11.50 Goldstar Nova 7qL2hL1L 30.79 30.52 $200.00
15 Nov 23 ASCP 1 of 7 C0 457m 7 111 26.4 $6.20 Daddy Longlegs 1hLN4qL 26.60 26.48 $2,590.00
10 Nov 23 ASCP 3 of 8 C0 390m 6 343 26.0 $7.50 Homebush Amy 3hLN3tL 22.85 22.36 $330.00
15 Sep 23 ADD 7 of 7 C0 520m 5 33447 25.5 $17.20 Baker Dan 1hLtL7tL 30.73 30.51
05 Sep 23 ADD 3 of 8 C0q 520m 7 22233 25.5 $3.00 Deliver My Son 3L7tLtL 30.91 30.46 $400.00
18 Jul 23 ADD 1 of 4 Trial 295m 25.6 Loco Loki 4LH4hL 17.44