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Greyhound Profile - PATCH IT UP

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
03 Nov 2021 New Zealand WRF Dog Orson Allen Miss Sweet Pea Sean Codlin (Te Kauwhata) Te Kauwhata Eddie Mathews & Steve Clark
Distinguishing Features: T (Fawn)
Current Gear: No gear

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
25 Jul 2024 C1 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 31 1 8 3 3.2% 35.5% $7,860.00
Sprint 25 1 8 3 4.0% 44.0% $7,410.00
Middle 6 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $450.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 14 10 4 2 0 0 1 0
Wins 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Places 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
25 Jul 24 CAM 2 of 4 C0 375m 1 112 30.4 $5.80 Chef's Mate tL4tL4qL 21.54 21.15 $550.00
21 Jul 24 AK 1 of 8 C0 318m 2 221 30.6 $10.80 Speedy Pete 2hLN2tL 18.87 18.31 $1,320.00
14 Jul 24 AK 3 of 8 C0 318m 1 233 31.0 $12.90 Red Goes Faster 2hLhL1hL 18.88 18.42 $330.00
11 Jul 24 CAM 6 of 8 C0q 375m 1 536 31.2 $60.10 Just One Grin hL4tLhL 21.29 21.12 $50.00
07 Jul 24 AK 6 of 6 C0 318m 3 356 31.4 $13.90 Just One Grin 6tL1qL6qL 18.97 18.51 $50.00
30 Jun 24 AK 2 of 7 C0 318m 2 522 31.3 $17.40 She Who Can 2L1hLtL 19.00 18.39 $550.00
27 Jun 24 CAM 6 of 8 C0 375m 1 426 31.0 $16.20 Rags To Riches 1qL1qLH 21.75 21.10 $50.00
23 Jun 24 AK 5 of 8 C0 318m 2 575 31.3 $11.50 Waerenga Ritchie 2hL1hL2L 18.78 18.39 $50.00
05 May 24 CAM 6 of 8 C0 375m 1 876 31.5 $15.00 Lion's Den 5qL5Ln 21.32 21.02 $50.00
02 May 24 CAM 5 of 8 C0 375m 3 445 31.8 $14.30 Lion's Den 6tLL1tL 21.21 21.02 $50.00
28 Apr 24 CAM 6 of 6 C0 457m 2 446 31.8 $14.30 Ingratiate 2tL5hLtL 25.68 25.50 $50.00
21 Apr 24 CAM 4 of 7 C0 457m 1 224 31.7 $41.40 Big Time Thrill 2qL1qL1tL 26.20 25.38 $150.00
18 Apr 24 CAM 4 of 8 C0 375m 1 334 31.2 $8.10 Big Time Aly 2L2tLhL 21.38 20.96 $100.00
11 Apr 24 CAM 4 of 8 C0 375m 1 224 31.2 $4.30 Rustic Kiwi 4qLhL1L 21.53 21.19 $100.00
09 Apr 24 MANA 2 of 5 C0 375m 1 232 31.2 $5.20 Thrilling Issac 2tLN3qL 21.69 21.27 $550.00
04 Apr 24 CAM 7 of 8 C0 457m 2 347 32.0 $14.20 Opawa Stacy 3hL2tL4qL 25.94 25.56
30 Mar 24 CAM 5 of 8 C0 457m 1 225 32.0 $4.50 Go Luna hL2hLN 26.26 25.64 $50.00
24 Mar 24 CAM 2 of 7 C0 375m 1 222 32.0 $7.00 Portland Andy L1tLtL 21.73 20.85 $550.00
21 Mar 24 CAM 5 of 8 C0 375m 4 525 32.2 $16.80 Opawa Chester HHL 22.03 21.21 $50.00
17 Mar 24 AK 4 of 5 C0 527m 3 11224 32.1 $3.60 Portland Johnny 4Ln2qL 31.30 30.64 $150.00
10 Mar 24 AK 3 of 8 C0 318m 1 233 32.3 $8.70 Portland Ding Us 6hL3qL1tL 18.55 18.49 $330.00
03 Mar 24 AK 4 of 7 C0 318m 4 654 32.6 $4.90 Waerenga Sonic hL7hL11qL 18.91 18.67 $100.00
29 Feb 24 CAM 3 of 8 C0 375m 2 223 32.3 $3.60 Paint It Pinot 5qL1hLn 21.53 21.12 $330.00
25 Feb 24 CAM 2 of 5 C0 375m 2 222 32.3 $6.50 Portland Pippa 9L2qLhL 21.25 21.13 $550.00
30 Nov 23 CAM 6 of 6 C0 457m 7 456 32.3 $6.90 Opawa Hipkin hL1hLN 26.27 25.63 $50.00
26 Nov 23 AK 2 of 6 C0 318m 2 432 32.1 $1.60 Helena Jet tLtL2L 19.16 18.40 $550.00
23 Nov 23 CAM 2 of 7 C0 375m 1 222 32.0 $10.10 Tukoroirangi qL3tL1qL 21.66 21.17 $550.00
19 Nov 23 AK 2 of 6 C0 318m 2 322 31.9 $3.00 Highview Spot 3qL1qLhL 18.83 18.41 $550.00
12 Oct 23 CAM 7 of 7 C0 375m 2 237 31.1 $4.10 Gold Card 2tL5tL1qL 21.85 21.24
08 Oct 23 AK 5 of 7 C0 318m 3 455 31.1 $5.60 Cat Napping Nana 2L5hL2L 18.82 18.57 $50.00
05 Oct 23 CAM 7 of 8 C0 375m 1 217 31.0 $5.10 Thrilling Lad 2hLhLtL 21.73 21.37
28 Sep 23 CAM 1 of 4 Trial 375m 31.0 Sweet 3tL1qL5tL 21.74