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Greyhound Profile - LACHLAN'S GIRL

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
27 Apr 2020 New Zealand BE Bitch Barcia Bale Isavana (Drury) Drury
Distinguishing Features: WT WCL
Current Gear: No gear

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
29 Oct 2023 C3 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 26 7 3 4 26.9% 26.9% $11,610.00
Sprint 26 7 3 4 26.9% 26.9% $11,610.00
Middle 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 1 2 4 5 5 6 2 1
Wins 0 1 2 2 1 1 0 0
Places 0 1 0 2 3 1 0 0

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
29 Oct 23 AK 8 of 8 C2/3 318m 6 888 30.5 $7.80 Golden Fern 1L1tLtL 18.68 18.36
29 Jun 23 AK 1 of 8 C2 318m 4 311 29.8 $4.10 Blue Bomber 2tL1qLqL 18.83 18.56 $1,170.00
22 Jun 23 AK 3 of 8 C2 318m 4 633 29.7 $6.80 Joe Bananas 2LtL2qL 18.80 18.64 $290.00
15 Jun 23 AK 4 of 7 C2 318m 6 244 29.8 $7.00 Portland Lisa 2qL1L1hL 18.82 18.52 $150.00
08 Jun 23 AK 3 of 8 C2 318m 5 533 29.6 $3.10 Sassy Lassie 1qLhL2L 18.70 18.56 $290.00
04 Jun 23 AK 4 of 8 C2 318m 7 444 29.6 $7.40 Al's Loaded 2hL4L2tL 18.80 18.18 $150.00
05 Apr 23 AK 8 of 8 C2 318m 6 688 29.2 $9.50 Opawa Cody hL3L2qL 18.88 18.44
15 Jan 23 AK 3 of 7 C2 318m 4 233 28.9 $2.80 Drifter Dodge 3tL1hL5qL 18.53 18.42 $290.00
08 Jan 23 AK 4 of 8 C2 318m 5 254 29.8 $2.00 Start Bailing 4qLtLqL 18.69 18.45 $150.00
29 Dec 22 AK 2 of 8 C2 318m 5 222 30.2 $3.80 Go Clifford 1hL1L1tL 18.68 18.42 $490.00
10 Nov 22 CAM 8 of 8 C2 375m 4 148 29.0 $3.60 Thrilling Herbie tL1hL2tL 21.60 21.33
06 Nov 22 AK 2 of 8 C2 318m 5 432 29.3 $2.50 Cut And Dry 1tL1L2qL 18.55 18.47 $490.00
29 Sep 22 CAM 6 of 8 C1/2 375m 6 766 29.1 $4.50 Lethal Angel qL1hL2qL 21.44 21.16 $50.00
22 Sep 22 CAM 1 of 8 C1 375m 3 211 28.7 $3.00 Buckland Rig hH2L1L 21.53 20.84 $1,140.00
18 Sep 22 AK 1 of 7 C1 318m 4 211 28.5 $1.50 Steve's Shout 3tL1hLqL 18.62 18.28 $1,140.00
28 Aug 22 AK 4 of 8 C2/3 318m 1 344 29.3 $5.80 Marcus 1qL3qLtL 18.72 18.27 $150.00
14 Jul 22 CAM 7 of 8 C1/2 375m 3 357 29.1 $3.30 Scooby Blue 5tL1qL1qL 21.14 21.13
01 May 22 AK 8 of 8 C2 318m 3 788 29.1 $2.60 Go Ahead Caller 1L4qLn 18.39 18.39
21 Apr 22 CAM 2 of 8 C1 375m 6 112 28.9 $1.70 Smokin' Chimney H2LH 21.40 20.90 $480.00
16 Apr 22 AK 1 of 8 C1 318m 2 321 28.9 $1.60 Allegro Robbie 1hLH1qL 18.95 18.34 $1,140.00
10 Apr 22 AK 1 of 8 C1 318m 5 111 28.9 $1.40 Hillbilly Brewed 3hL3L4qL 18.80 18.18 $1,140.00
03 Apr 22 AK 1 of 8 C0 318m 3 111 29.4 $2.10 Scooby Blue 1L1L3tL 18.82 18.27 $1,080.00
31 Mar 22 CAM 1 of 6 C0 375m 6 111 28.9 $1.80 Fill's Folly 3hL1L2L 21.54 20.90 $1,080.00
03 Jan 22 AK f of 8 C0 318m 8 5f 28.8 $1.80 Dynamic Empire 1qLNtL 18.96 18.67
07 Nov 21 AK 4 of 6 C0 318m 7 334 28.0 $4.60 Georgia's Girl 4hL4hLtL 18.33 18.13 $220.00
31 Oct 21 AK 3 of 6 C0 318m 2 233 27.9 $1.50 Barney Parrot tLtL1L 19.25 18.41 $520.00
24 Oct 21 AK 1 of 4 Trial 318m Flammable 10tL1hLhL 18.76