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Greyhound Profile - SOVEREIGN ALICE

Whelped Country Colour Sex Sire Dam Trainer Training Location Owner/Raced by
23 Nov 2018 New Zealand BK Bitch Cawbourne Brick Elite Dose ()
Distinguishing Features: WT CB WoN WTT
Current Gear: No gear

Current Grades

Last Graded Sprint/Middle Distance
31 Dec 2022 C3 C0d

RACE History

  Starts Win 2nd 3rd Win % Place % Stakes
Total 44 9 2 7 20.5% 20.5% $18,162.00
Sprint 36 9 2 4 25.0% 16.7% $16,802.00
Middle 8 0 0 3 0.0% 37.5% $1,360.00
Distance 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00
Hurdles 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% $0.00

Box History

BOX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Starts 9 5 5 3 5 5 8 4
Wins 0 0 2 1 3 1 2 0
Places 0 2 1 1 0 1 3 1

Box History Chart - Starts

RACE Record

Date Venue Plc Cls Dist Box Bend Wgt SP Winner/Second Marg. Win BON Stake
31 Dec 22 CAM 3 of 7 C2/3 375m 6 123 29.4 $4.20 Nighthawk Storm 2hLH1qL 21.46 20.87 $320.00
15 Dec 22 CAM 6 of 8 C3 375m 4 456 29.3 $4.60 Fill's Folly 3tLhLhL 21.19 21.15 $50.00
08 Dec 22 CAM 5 of 7 C3 375m 6 445 29.4 $5.50 Soap Box hLhH3L 21.34 21.14 $50.00
01 Dec 22 CAM 2 of 8 C3 375m 7 332 29.5 $10.10 Thrilling Vera 3L1hLn 21.18 20.91 $540.00
24 Nov 22 CAM 6 of 8 C3 375m 5 776 29.4 $8.90 Made A Wish tL1tL2hL 21.24 20.92 $50.00
17 Nov 22 CAM 6 of 7 C4/5 375m 6 346 29.7 $32.20 Beau Beau 1tL2LhH 21.20 21.20 $50.00
03 Nov 22 CAM 8 of 8 C4/5 375m 1 768 29.5 $18.50 Scooby Blue 2LH1hL 21.27 21.14
27 Oct 22 CAM 8 of 8 C4 375m 1 888 29.3 $14.80 Portland Opal 3L1LqL 21.24 21.15
20 Oct 22 CAM 5 of 6 C5 375m 2 445 29.2 $40.10 Georgia's Girl 1L1tL2tL 21.05 21.05 $50.00
13 Oct 22 CAM 8 of 8 C4/5 375m 2 778 29.1 $12.60 Rocked It qL2hLH 21.24 21.24
08 Sep 22 CAM 8 of 8 C4/5 375m 7 778 29.4 $14.40 Pedro Lee 6hLqL3L 20.97 20.97
01 Sep 22 CAM 1 of 1 Trial 375m 21.97
17 Feb 22 CAM 1 of 8 C4/5 375m 4 121 28.9 $8.50 Thrilling Freddy HhLhL 21.18 21.18 $1,980.00
10 Feb 22 CAM 1 of 8 C4/5 375m 7 211 28.8 $18.50 Thrilling Norman 1qL2LH 21.11 21.11 $1,980.00
03 Feb 22 CAM 4 of 8 C4 375m 8 654 28.5 $8.00 Calf King/Typical DHhH 21.27 21.14 $150.00
20 Jan 22 CAM 4 of 8 C5 375m 8 244 28.5 $26.50 Zipping Hewitt HhL2hL 21.05 21.05 $200.00
13 Jan 22 CAM 5 of 8 C4/5 375m 6 545 28.5 $48.10 Zipping Hewitt 2L4hL1qL 20.87 20.87 $50.00
06 Jan 22 CAM 5 of 7 C4/5 375m 1 435 28.4 $45.40 Beret Girl 1L2tLhL 21.29 20.92 $50.00
31 Dec 21 CAM 3 of 8 C5 375m 7 533 28.7 $31.90 Thrilling Norman 1hL3tL1L 21.27 20.79 $941.00
24 Dec 21 CAM 8 of 8 C5q 375m 3 788 28.4 $35.20 Typhoon Tim 3LH4hL 20.84 20.84
09 Dec 21 CAM 1 of 8 C4 375m 7 221 28.6 $11.30 Thrilling Rapper qL1qL1hL 21.30 21.08 $1,400.00
02 Dec 21 CAM 1 of 8 C2/3 375m 5 111 28.5 $8.70 Dark Hazard 1tL3L2qL 21.16 21.16 $1,240.00
25 Nov 21 CAM 3 of 8 C3 375m 3 333 28.3 $20.30 Thrilling Breeze tL1qLH 21.30 21.11 $620.00
18 Nov 21 CAM 1 of 8 C2 375m 3 311 28.5 $12.70 Ramblin' Andre 2qL1tLhL 21.48 21.05 $2,240.00
11 Nov 21 CAM 3 of 8 C2 375m 4 233 28.7 $7.30 Dublin Express 4hL1hL1hL 21.31 21.11 $560.00
04 Nov 21 CAM 5 of 8 C2 375m 8 555 28.5 $12.60 Spring Cesc tL1hL3L 21.68 21.13 $100.00
28 Oct 21 CAM 1 of 8 C1 375m 6 421 28.8 $3.20 Boot Camp Tiara hL2LH 21.53 21.04 $1,070.00
21 Oct 21 CAM 3 of 8 C1 457m 2 223 28.5 $12.10 Jam Packed 1qL1tLtL 25.89 25.68 $390.00
30 Sep 21 CAM 7 of 7 C2/3 457m 7 457 28.1 $35.20 Thrilling Vera 4hLhL1hL 25.99 25.97
23 Sep 21 CAM 4 of 8 C1 375m 1 434 28.1 $2.80 Smash Zone 2qL2LhL 21.69 20.81 $130.00
09 Sep 21 CAM 5 of 8 C1 457m 1 435 28.2 $27.00 Thrilling Rogue 4L7tL3qL 25.77 25.77 $50.00
05 Sep 21 CAM 8 of 8 C2 375m 1 678 27.8 Thrilling Gem 2L4tL1L 21.36 21.05
02 Sep 21 CAM 5 of 8 C2 375m 1 325 27.8 $3.60 Born Katie 1hL2tLhL 21.48 21.07 $50.00
12 Aug 21 CAM 8 of 8 C2/3 457m 1 568 28.0 $12.20 Romantic Dancer tL1hL2tL 26.03 25.85
29 Jul 21 CAM 3 of 6 C2/3 457m 7 223 27.9 $38.30 Antonio H5qL1tL 25.82 25.57 $490.00
22 Jul 21 CAM 8 of 8 C2/3 457m 7 888 28.4 $8.50 Chase Me Down 2hL1L2tL 25.81 25.46
15 Jul 21 CAM 3 of 8 C1/2 457m 2 123 28.4 $4.10 Dobby Who 1hL2tLtL 26.15 25.84 $430.00
08 Jul 21 CAM 2 of 8 C2 375m 8 542 28.5 $6.60 Pan Edition 2qLqL1tL 21.58 20.95 $470.00
01 Jul 21 CAM 6 of 8 C2 375m 1 786 29.1 $2.90 Ruby Express 2qL1qL1qL 21.45 21.09 $50.00
13 May 21 CAM 1 of 8 C1q 375m 5 111 28.9 $4.10 Knuckles Nugget 2L3L1qL 21.37 21.21 $793.00
06 May 21 CAM 8 of 8 C1/2 457m 5 788 28.7 $9.50 Fine Intention 4L2qLhL 25.92 25.48
29 Apr 21 CAM 1 of 8 C1 375m 3 111 28.5 $9.10 Portia 2qLtLtL 21.55 20.94 $793.00
22 Apr 21 CAM F of 8 C1q 375m 3 F 28.8 $6.80 Zipping Panther 7LhL5qL 21.44 21.13
11 Apr 21 AK 1 of 4 Trial 318m Always Dreaming 1qLH2hL 18.96
25 Mar 21 CAM 1 of 8 C0 375m 5 221 28.7 $6.30 Diamond Tiger H3L2hL 21.72 21.07 $745.00
11 Mar 21 CAM 4 of 8 C0 375m 2 544 28.7 $27.10 Thrilling Breeze 3L4tLtL 21.37 21.16 $80.00
07 Jan 21 CAM 4 of 4 Trial 375m Thrilling Breeze 4hL4L2L 20.99