Stipendiary Stewards Report

Palmerston North Greyhound Racing Club

Manawatu Raceway ON MONDAY 06 Feb 2017

Weather: Overcast
Track: Good Track was presented in a good racing condition through out. All other equipment operated well.
Scales: Correct at all weights
Health and Safety comment: Nil

Judicial report: VULCAN ( A Turnwald ) race 1 stood down for 3 months -Rule ( 79.1b failed to pursue ) second offence under rule ( 79.1 ).

Incident Reports

Race Number Race Name Incident Report
Race 1 Formpro Ratings Free Every Monday C0 - C0 - 375 CAWBOURNE BARCIA ( 2 ) - was checked losing ground in to the bend. CAWBOURNE KAI ( 4 ) - crowded racing in to the bend - soon after ran on to the hind of CAMILLA BAXTER and was severely checked back to the rear - was referred to the Vet -was found to have generalized muscle soreness a 14 day stand down was imposed. CAMILLA BAXTER ( 6 ) - was referred to the vet at the handlers request- was found to have reopened an old injury on the off hind paw - a 10 day stand down was imposed. CAWBOURNE BRYCE ( 5 ) - checked in to bend losing ground. SEE AYE EYE ( 7 ) fav - began very awkwardly but was quickly in to stride. VULCAN ( 9/8 )- raced handy to the home turn -he turned his head outwards for some distance in the run to the line and was referred to the Vet where no abnormalities were found. VULCAN ( 9/8 ) has been stood down ( 79.1b ) failing to pursue the lure with due commitment. - 2nd offence under rule ( 79.1 ) 3 months stand down.
Race 2 Greyhounds As Pets C1 - C1 - 375 REPEAT VISIT ( 3 ) - checked racing across the top bend. RALLY SARIOUS ( 7 ) - slow away 3L improved around runners angling across to the rail checking REPEAT VISIT on the top bend.
Race 3 Ray Huntley Memorial NZ Bred Maiden Final - C0f - 375 ZONIC BLUE ( B Goldsack ) was a late scratching due to being injured on being loaded for the Track. WONG ALL ALONG ( 1 ) fav - began awkwardly for a stride -setteled towards the rear -improved along the inner caught the heels of CAWBOURNE JEFF across the top bend and was unable to improve there after- referred to the Vet was found to have right side hip support pain a 10 day stand down was imposed. CAWBOURNE JEFF ( 3 ) - hampered slightly when clipped from behind in the run across the top bend. BILLIE TEE ( 8 ) - hampered for room losing a length or so when tightened attempting to improve along the inner soon after entering the home straight. BIGTIME PLAYER ( 9/2 ) - checked over heels racing across the top bend losing a couple of lengths.
Race 4 Use C4/5 - C4/5 - 375 ROBINS ZARR HOOD ( 4 ) - raced midfield and was jostled and bumped several times being checked back losing ground. BEAR INDA SQUARE ( 6 ) fav - was bumped at the start recovered quickly in to stride. CAWBOURNE JARROD ( 7 ) - began awkwardly scrambling for stride or so bumping in to another runner losing momentum and was unable to improve from the rear -was referred to the Vet - was found to have right pectoral muscle pain a 10 day stand down was imposed.
Race 5 J P Print, Petone C2 - C2 - 375 BIGTIME SPIRIT ( 4 ) - jostled in the run to the bend. CELESTIAL ACTION ( 6 ) - angled across bumped and jostled with BIGTIME SPIRIT for a couple of strides in the run to the bend.
Race 6 Affordable Pet Accessories C2 - C2 - 375 THRILLING CASSIE ( 2 ) - jostled with UNAWARES racing in to the home straight. UNAWARES ( 5 ) - led out in to the bend -soon after was checked losing 4 lengths back to midfield - was hampered for a stride or so early in the run home - checked again on the line.
Race 7 Palmerston North Gold Cup 31st March C2/3 - C2/3 - 375 FEEL THE FORCE ( 4 ) - -ducked sideways becoming unbalanced for a couple of strides racing in to the bend. CAWBOURNE MIDGET ( 5 ) - began awkwardly and was bumped at the start. EAR'S BORIS ( 6 ) was tightened at the start losing momentum for a stride or so. HI XIAN ( 7 ) - ran in bumping the runner on his inner losing momentum for a couple of strides. KIRKHAM WEBBY ( 8 ) - was forced to race widest through out.
Race 8 Steve 'The Auctioneer' Davis C4 - C4 - 375 COOL RYTHAM ( 1 ) - angled out over heels forcing CAWBOURNE HINT wide in to the bend. CAWBOURNE HINT ( 7 ) - forced wide in to bend - soon after angled in across heels losing ground to the rear and was referred to the Vet where no abnormalities were found. CAWBOURNE MATTY ( 8 ) - slow away by 4L.
Race 9 Outback Trading Company C1 - C1 - 457 BIGTIME RISE ( 2 ) - was tightened and jostled for some distance in the run to the bend losing ground back to midfield. BLACK ROADSTAR ( 6 ) - angled across tightening and jostling with BIGTIME RISE in the run to the bend - he went back and outwards forcing other runners wide in to the bend. SPEEDY DISPATCH ( 7 ) - was bumped and tightened racing in to the bend. STAY FROSTY ( 8 ) - was bumped and pushed wide racing in to the bend.
Race 10 Arch Lawrence Invitation 766m 31st March C2 - C2 - 457 This race was delayed 2 minutes at the request of Race day Control. NITRO MARY ( 1 ) - led to the bend was checked going back on to a runner who caught her heels - NITRO MARY lost several lengths at this point. KYLIN ( 4 ) - ran wide on to the bend when avoiding heels MAGIC LATTE ( 5 ) - was forced wide in to the bend when unable to clear heels. SCODELARIO ( 6 ) - checked racing across the top bend losing momentum.
Race 11 Adrian Clark - Bloodstock Consultant C2/3 - C2/3 - 457 CHARLIE BO BO ( 5 ) - ran outwards approaching the run in to the bend. CAWBOURNE OWEN ( 7 ) - forced out wide racing in to the bend. BIGTIME WELLDONE ( 8 ) fav - forced to race wide through out covering a fair amount of extra ground in the running.
Race 12 Preston's Master Butchers C4/5 - C4/5 - 457 This race was delayed 2 minutes at the request of Race Day Control. VEGAS DANNY ( 3 ) - raced handy in the early stages - went back to midfield racing around the bend- was checked nearing the home turn when galloped on going out sideways catching heels turning for the run in drifting out- finished on to the lure in last placing was referred to the Vet -was found to have a gracilis muscle injury a 28 day stand down imposed. BIGTIME LADY ( 5 ) - crowded soon after the start and jostled for several strides - was checked again racing across the top bend when catching the heels of a runner coming back through the field. BIGTIME JASON ( 6 ) - ran inwards from the start jostling and tightening inside runners - was tightened and jostled soon after as runners came across- checked racing out wide across the top bend.- bumped on the home turn. ABSINTHE MINDED ( 7 ) - ran in soon after the start tightened and jostled back towards the rear - held up in behind runners racing across the top bend.


Stand Downs

Race Number Race Name Stand Down
Race 1 Formpro Ratings Free Every Monday C0 - C0 - 375 Cawbourne Angus Rule HISTORICAL - 64.13 from 06 Feb 2017 to 15 Feb 2017

Vulcan Rule HISTORICAL - 79.1b from 06 Feb 2017 to 06 May 2017

Camila Baxter Rule HISTORICAL - 81.1 from 06 Feb 2017 to 15 Feb 2017

Cawbourne Kai Rule HISTORICAL - 81.1 from 06 Feb 2017 to 19 Feb 2017

Race 3 Ray Huntley Memorial NZ Bred Maiden Final - C0f - 375 Zonic Blue Rule HISTORICAL - 64.13 from 06 Feb 2017 to 12 Feb 2017

Wong All Along Rule HISTORICAL - 81.1 from 06 Feb 2017 to 15 Feb 2017

Race 4 Use C4/5 - C4/5 - 375 Cawbourne Jarrod Rule HISTORICAL - 81.1 from 06 Feb 2017 to 15 Feb 2017

Race 12 Preston's Master Butchers C4/5 - C4/5 - 457 Vegas Danny Rule HISTORICAL - 81.1 from 06 Feb 2017 to 05 Mar 2017


Race Number Race Name Swabbing
Race 3 Ray Huntley Memorial NZ Bred Maiden Final - C0f - 375 Homebush Myra Swab No: Post race

Race 4 Use C4/5 - C4/5 - 375 Bear Inda Square Swab No: Post race

Race 8 Steve 'The Auctioneer' Davis C4 - C4 - 375 Downgrade King Swab No: Post race

Race 9 Outback Trading Company C1 - C1 - 457 Bigtime Coffee Swab No: Post race

Race 10 Arch Lawrence Invitation 766m 31st March C2 - C2 - 457 Cawbourne Trixy Swab No: Post race

Race 11 Adrian Clark - Bloodstock Consultant C2/3 - C2/3 - 457 Kirkham Coby Swab No: Post race

Race 12 Preston's Master Butchers C4/5 - C4/5 - 457 Takamori Swab No: Pre race

M Austin G Whiterod Vet C Boyce

Stipendiary Stewards